JobsCentral is one of South East Asias largest job portals helping over 1 million people a year in their career. With a network of 17+ school career portals, specialised section on Learning, strong research/editorial content and social media platforms, JobsCentral provides the most comprehensive resources for people serious about their career. We are happy to bring the best of JobsCentral to your iPhone.
With this app, you can:
- Login to your JobsCentral account (new users can also create an account)
- Apply for jobs on the go with one-tap applications
- View jobs found by your Job Agent
- Browse jobs by categories - Banking/Finance, Engineering, Marketing, Admin, IT, Managerial, Temp & many more
- Search jobs by keywords, with optional filtering by job nature, qualification and / or position
- Save interesting jobs/courses/articles inside Favourites
- Browse through courses and workshops
- Read career articles and resources
- Share job postings via email with your friends
- Switch between Singapore and Malaysia sites with ease